Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Headpiece for Blue Bird (Peter and Wolf)

This was for the bird from Peter and Wolf.  That show was done in outside environment.  It was the best setting for the ballet!  But the budget was limiting so we used the tutus in the studio, and instead of making new bodices, we just used the leotards and decorated with feathers and furs.  Since the duck was yellow and the cat was white, the bird became blue.  Choreographer and I decided not to use mask or some obvious indication of the characters even though this ballet was for kids.  So it's easy to move for the dancers.  And kids can use their imaginations.
This head piece was made like swan head piece, but instead of traditional swan head piece shape which is more graceful and romantic, covering ears, I made it more active and sharp looking to illustrate the bird's character.  Also, the costume was simple, I didn't want to make too head heavy, either.

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